Priemerné hodnotenie:0/5(0x)
Vlastnosti a parametre výrobku
Skúsenosti užívateľov
Otázky a odpovede
Vlastnosti a parametre výrobku
Typ fotoaparátu | Kopulová kamera |
Veľkosť senzoru | 9.4 mm (1/2.7″) |
Druh senzora (zabezpečenie) | CMOS |
Ohnisková vzdialenosť | 8 mm |
Horizontálny zorný uhol | 39.42 ° |
Pozorovací uhol vertikálny | 22.14 ° |
Ovládanie pomocou aplikácie pre smartphone | Áno |
prenos | LAN |
max.dosah IR svetla | 15 m |
Miesto použitia | Do interiéru |
Typ pamäťovej karty | MicroSD karta (až 256 GB) |
Vonkajšia výška | 123.1 mm |
Vonkajší Ø | 138.3 mm |
Hmotnosť | 940 g |
Spôsob ochrany | IP66 |
Rozlíšenie (max.) | 2688 x 1520 px |
Kategória výrobku | Monitorovacia termokamera s meraním teploty |
Vlastnosti monitorovacieho zariadenia | S PoE IEEE 802.3af S rozoznaním tváre Záznam na pamäťovú kartu Monitorovanie horúčky S IR LED |
Standard přenosu signálu | IP |
Skúsenosti a názory zákazníkov
- Skúsenosti užívateľov nie sú k dispozícii.
Otázky užívateľov
- Užívatelia k tomuto výrobku zatiaľ nemali žiadne otázky.
Podmienky používania dokumentácie
Temperature measurement range: 30-45℃ Working temperature: 10-35℃ Accuracy: ±0.5℃ Resolution:160 ×120
Installation-Tripodquick temporary deployment Tripod Adapter For TurretA. Tripod connector fixed on the adapter B. Fixthe adapter onthe camera 2
Configuration C. Install the camera on the tripod Installation Parameter Recommended Model Distance (between human&camera) DS-2TD1217B-3/PA
0.8-1.5m DS-2TD2617B-3/PA
1.5-3m DS-2TD2617B-6/PA
Advice Tripod Adapter for Bullet Turret:DS-2TD1217BBullet:DS-2TD2617B
1.Select Body Thermography as VCA Resource Type.
2. Go to Local Configuration interface, enable and save the following settings: 3. Go to Body Thermography Basic Settings. Configure and save the following settings: Emissivity: For human skin, this value is normally set as 0.98.
Distance: The actual distance between the camera and measured object.
CheckEnable Face Detection andDisplay Temperature.
Suggest uncheckUpload Captured Face Image andDisplay Face Temperature Position if its not a must.
Set Alarm Temp. andPre-alarm Temp.
Press Draw Area to adjust face detection region.
Click Max. Pupil Distance and Min. Pupil Distance to draw width filter frame, Max and Min distance refer to camera detection distance.
4.Configure Camera 01 (Optical) Settings.
Uncheck Enable Blackbody Correction If no blackbody is used.
Check Enable ofBody Temperature Compensationand keep parameters as default.
ModelHeightElevation angle DS-2TD1217B-3/PA
1.5m≤20° DS-2TD2617B-3/PA
D. Installation complete The environment would easily influence the performance of thermal camera. Therefore, it is required to be used in a stable indoor environment without wind, and the ambient temperature should be consistent.
Here’s some advice: 1.Set up a one-way screening zone, and ensure that camera can clearly see the face of person whose body temperature is beingmeasured.
2.Avoid backgrounds that are too crowdedor bright.
3.30 minutes after turn on the camera, then go body temperature measurement, because the camera itself needs to be steady first.
4.If there is a large gap between indoor and outdoor temperature, it is highly suggested to wait more than 5 minutesthen measure body temperature of whom just got in.
5.Follow the guidance of required temperature measurement distance.
FeverScreeningThermalCamera Installation & Configuration Guide 5. Configure Camera 02 (Thermal) Settings.